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大学心理咨询中心 服务

大学心理咨询中心为所有符合条件的人提供心理健康咨询服务 part-time and full-time Saint Louis University students, including undergraduate, 研究生,法律和医学院的学生. These services can be offered in person and/or virtually to accommodate student needs and preferences.

Each qualifying 博彩网址大全 student will receive up to 10 individual sessions of care per 学年. Once a student approaches the 10-session limit during the academic 每年,治疗提供者将与UCC主任协商,以确定临床 适当的行动方针.

训练有素的心理健康专业人员提供的咨询服务可以解决 以下问题:

  • 抑郁症
  • 无法控制的情绪波动
  • 焦虑和压力
  • 恐慌症
  • 强迫性行为
  • 注意/浓度问题
  • 自我伤害行为
  • 睡眠障碍
  • 调整问题
  • 关系问题
  • 身份/取向问题
  • 原生家庭问题
  • 饮食失调
  • 物质使用
  • 性侵犯
  • 危机干预
  • 文化/多样性问题
  • 创伤后压力
  • 发育障碍

对于那些咨询需求超出中心实践范围的人, the UCC care manager can assist with community referrals and resources.

*A qualifying student is one who pays the University wellness fee.


Before receiving individual counseling services, a student will participate in an 由接纳专家或职员顾问协助进行初步谘询. 专家或辅导员将与学生分享有关的信息 UCC和治疗过程,并进行简短的评估来确定 what services are most appropriate and will best meet student needs. 


除了咨询服务,UCC还支持学生与社区的联系 资源,提供与外部供应商的联系,并帮助那些经历 精神病住院治疗.  

我们的UCC护理经理与学生办公室主任密切合作,并维护 a comprehensive guide for those interested in additional resources.


UCC积极参与校园社区的成长和发展 by responding to requests for well-being support (e.g. 工作坊、教职员培训、 小组讨论和演讲),并在管理等问题上担任顾问 破坏性的课堂行为,应对危机中的学生,处理悲伤和损失 and psychoeducation regarding emerging student mental health needs.



  • UCC为任何符合条件的学生提供支持服务 很难控制情绪,处理悲伤和损失或谁正在处理 the impact of a traumatic incident (e.g. sexual assault/interpersonal violence). 危机 services are also designed to work with a student experiencing a crisis or mental 健康紧急情况,破坏功能和/或导致感觉或 behavior that indicate the intent to self-harm or harm others.  
  • 针对那些表现出高风险需求、行为和/或自杀/杀人倾向的学生 一名UCC临床工作人员/临床研究生助理将立即会面 with the student for a crisis support session.
  • These sessions are available between 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.星期一至星期五.


在正常工作时间以外(包括周末和节假日)学生发生危机 有几个选择:

  • Call 911 immediately if you are facing a life-threatening emergency
  • Call 988 if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or having an emotional crisis
  • 联系 your resident advisor or residence life professional staff
  • Call the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000
  • 咨询大学心理咨询中心24/7行为健康护士分诊热线 by calling 314-977-8255 and pressing option #9. 有关此服务的信息为 下面解释.

由远程医疗公司Fonemed运营的分诊线为学生提供即时治疗 access to a behavioral health nurse for routine and crisis assistance 24/7. 范围 分诊线的目的不是提供即时咨询,而是评估患者的表现 concern and advise a student on what to do. Students who desire a connection to a 有执照的心理健康专家可以要求连接到MDLive,这将 arrange for the student to have a virtual counseling appointment later (typically 24-48小时内). For urgent safety needs, the nurses will instruct a caller to 要么联系911,公共安全部门,要么去最近的急救中心 进行全面安全评估的空间. For routine needs, a nurse will offer self-help 如果需要,建议并将学生转介到适当的护理水平.  


  • 自杀和危机生命线:988
  • Behavioral Health Response (BHR): 314-469-6644 or 800-811-4760
  • SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital: 314-577-8000
  • 生命危机服务:314-647-4357
  • National Hopeline Hotline (English and Spanish): 1-800-784-2433
  • First Call for Help Hotline (English and Spanish): 1-800-492-0618
  • The Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ support): 1-866-488-7386
  • BlackLine(黑人,黑人LGBTQ+,棕色人种,土著和穆斯林社区):1-800- 604-5841
  • TransLifeline 1-877-565-8860

Learn more about crisis support and identifying students in distress

Collegiate Recovery Community at 博彩网址大全

The 大学心理咨询中心 oversees the Collegiate Recovery Community (儿童权利公约) 对于那些有兴趣做出积极改变的康复学生和他们的盟友 regarding their alcohol and/or other 物质使用.

儿童权利公约的使命是帮助学生实现他们的学术,个人和专业 目标,同时参与大学体验,没有负面影响 物质使用. A committee of members, including the UCC coordinator of drug and 酒精服务和其他合作伙伴(教职员工)从整个校园监督 儿童权利公约.

关于 the SOBER@博彩网址大全 Collegiate Recovery Community

Our meeting times vary each semester; please contact the 大学心理咨询中心 for the schedule of meetings and events. Our newly decorated space is above the Eckelkamp Center for Campus Ministry in room 227, near the Office of Student Responsibility and Community Standards and the 大学心理咨询中心.

The SOBER@博彩网址大全 space is where we hold meetings, but participants can also hang out 在自己的时间里学习,玩电子游戏,看Netflix,或者只是在一个安静的地方放松 无物质环境.

During the Fall 2023 semester, Sober@博彩网址大全 meets on Tuesday nights at 5 p.m. 在Wuller 227.


The 儿童权利公约 hosts a variety of events, such as bowling outings, movie nights, 12-step meetings with pizza and community service projects. 这些没有毒品和酒精的活动 在博彩网址大全校园和圣. Louis area, sometimes in conjunction with other local universities. 我们所有的程序 旨在提供:

  • 联谊会:一个安全的地方,以满足志同道合的人,闲逛,学习或只是放松.
  • 社区:来自校友、教职员工和社区人士的支持 你实现了你的目标.
  • Achievement: A place for personal growth, accountability and academic support.

儿童权利公约是一个包容的社区,欢迎有兴趣参加的参与者 a single event, or in making a commitment for the full 学年.  唯一的要求 is that you are alcohol and drug-free when you participate in an activity.

作为其团体治疗的一部分,UCC与儿童权利公约校区合作 也每周提供物质使用支持小组,名为Sober@博彩网址大全 给康复中的学生.  Facilitated by the UCC Coordinator of Drug and Alcohol 服务, 该小组提供了一个安全保密的环境,学生可以自由发言 regarding their 物质使用, potential triggers and obstacles. 参与者集合 目标关于他们的物质使用,从禁欲到更负责任的使用 或者更安全的方式. This group provides education about addiction, resources for facilitating and maintaining recovery.

SOBER@博彩网址大全小组的参与者对清醒生活或积极生活感兴趣 changes to their 物质使用 for various reasons. Some are involved in 12-step recovery 像嗜酒者互诫协会,匿名者协会和ACOA这样的项目,而其他人则刚刚开始质疑他们的 物质使用. Some participants have a family history of alcoholism, while others want to serve as allies to people in recovery.

虽然大多数学生参与者由临床医生介绍,但学生也可以自我介绍. 根据办公室的规定,一些学生被要求参加每周的小组活动 学生责任和社区标准,在药物使用评估之后 由UCC进行.

欲了解更多信息或问题,请联系大学康复社区主席, Jay Winig or the 大学心理咨询中心 at 314-977-TALK.


Patrick Cousins, Mission and Ministry
比尔·乔治,理查德·A. 查菲兹商学院
Michelle Scheipeter, Flight Center for Aviation Science
Molly Thompson, Graduate Career Advisor
J.J. Janulis, Office of Student Responsibility and Community Standards


  • 在博彩网址大全学生健康中心可以预约精神科医生 电话:314-977-2323.
  • UCC护理经理还可以帮助学生识别社区精神科医生.


  • 对于正在寻找机会减压和社交的学生来说 和轻松的环境,UCC创造了WellSPACE(支持和促进) Artistic and Creative Expression) just outside of the UCC offices. WellSPACE提供 各种艺术材料,吊床秋千,加重毛毯,瑜伽垫,一个超大 豆袋,沙花园和许多其他的东西来激发创造力和减轻压力.  
  • WellSPACE可在8小时内访问.m.-5 p.m.星期一至星期五 
  • For student groups wanting to reserve the space for special events, please email UCCDirector@health.retrorockerz.com.